Guidelines and Toolkits
- Guidelines for new Internship Procedures in Social Work. Open access ebook –Editors: Laura Bini, Raffaella Nurchis, Eltona Tila (OAS-Toscana), Jorge Ferreira, Maria João Pena, Pablo Alvarez-Perez (ISCTE-IUL), Giorgia Bulli, Giulia Mascagni, Silvia Pezzoli (UNIFI), David Alonso, Andres Arias (UCM).
– google books https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=WsQWEAAAQBAJ
– apple https://books.apple.com/us/book/guidelines-internship-procedures-for-social-work-university/id1550448180?l=pt&ls=1
– Kobo http://www.kobobooks.com/search/search.html?q=9789899015609
- The internship procedures in Social Work. The state of the art of the EU project partner countries (Italy, Portugal and Spain) – Short report by P7 OAS Toscana
WEBINAR The internship procedures for Social Services. Training Session for Albanian Social Workers and Stakeholders – 20th-24th of July 2020
- Programme of the three days training
- First day training: Presentation of the document: The internship procedures for the Albanian Social Service university courses. Guidelines for improvement; Requirements for a successful internship in the social services sector; Group reflection – VideoClip1
- Second day training: Experiences of internship in Social Work and Social Services in Albania and Brainstorming – VideoClip2
- Third day training: Rural Social Work; Final consideration – VideoClip3
Collateral extra event
ONLINE EVENT Internship procedures for the Social Work university courses – November 25th 2020
“Prepararsi alla professione: la centralità di un tirocinio di qualità. Nuove linee guida” an online event organized by Ordine degli assistenti sociali della Regione Toscana with the participation of Instituto Universitário de Lisboa ISCTE-IUL and DSPS Università degli Studi di Firenze. Keynote speech: Building a good internship to be prepared for practice – Neil Thompson (Writer, Educator, Adviser in Social Work Education).