Università degli Studi di Firenze
Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Giorgia Bulli
T@sk Project Coordinator
Giorgia Bulli is an Assistant Professor in Political Science and teaches Political Communication and Discourse Analysis at the Department of Social and Political Sciences. She is actively involved in the analysis of social issues – migration, political extremism in youth and adult environments – at an academic and social level and combines her academic research with social engagement activities.

Erika Cellini
Steering Committeee
Erika Cellini is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Florence. Her research interests address primarily the field of epistemology and methodology of Social Sciences, with a focus on ethnographic research. Her main empirical research areas are: contemporary migration in Italy; public housing; innovative forms of political participation.

Sheyla Moroni
Scientific Committee
Sheyla Moroni is Assistant Professor of Contemporary History at the Department of Social and Political Sciences. Since 2012, she has been teaching History of Contemporary Society in the Bachelor Degree of Social Work. Her research focuses on Political History, History of the Welfare State and on the biographical approach application to the study of history.

Sandro Landucci
ICT Committe
Sandro Landucci is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the Department of Social and Political Sciences. His research interests address primarily the field of epistemology and methodology of Social Sciences, with a focus on data analysis in quantitative research, the role of explanation in Social sciences, the construction of objective and subjective indicators.

Silvia Pezzoli
Dissemination implementation
Silvia Pezzoli is Assistant Professor of Sociology of cultural and communicative processes at the Department of Political and Social Sciences. She is specialized in the media representation of sensitive issues of the contemporary society such as illness, end of life, migration, detention and social exclusion of vulnerable groups.

Carlo Baccetti
Development monitoring
Carlo Baccetti is Associate Professor of Political Science at the Department of Political and Social Science and Acknowledged Full Professor in the field of Political Science. He has been the President of the Bachelor in Social Work since 2012 and since September 2013 he has been the representative of the University of Florence in the Inter-Institutional Coordination Social Service of Tuscany (CISST). His research activity focuses on local government and political culture.

Annick Magnier
Management implementation
Annick Magnier is Associate Professor of Urban Sociology at the University of Florence, School of Political Sciences “Cesare Alfieri” and Acknowledged Full Professor in the field of “Sociology of economic, working and environment processes”. In 2010 she was Jean Monnet Chair of «The City in the European Integration Since 2015 she has been the head of the Masters in “Managment of Social Work”.

Sorina Cristina Soare
Quality plan implementation
Sorina Cristina Soare is Lecturer of Comparative Politics at the Department of Social and Political Sciences. She works in the area of comparative politics. Her research interests lie primarily in the field of post-communist political parties and party systems, democratization and institutional development.

Giulia Mascagni
Quality plan implementation
Giulia Mascagni earned her PhD in Sociology in 2010. Currently, she is research fellow for T@sk project. Since A.Y. 2014-2015 she is adjunct professor of Sociology at Università degli Studi di Firenze, Bachelor Degree Course in Nursing. Since 2007, her research has focused on social inequalities, health, ageing and doctor-patient relationship.

Ivana Acocella
Quality plan implementation
Ivana Acocella is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Florence. Since 2002, she has been teaching Methodology and Research Methods for the Social Sciences. Her main research fields include the epistemological and methodological assessment of qualitative research approaches, with a focus on immigration and social exclusion.