Ordine degli Assistenti Sociali Toscana
The Professional Order of Social Workers of the Tuscany Region provides professional training to social workers, carries out consulting activities for professional issues and problems and keeps up collaborations with other professional orders. It was established by the “Law 23 March 1993, n. 84”. The Order represents the professional community of social workers. Its main aim is twofold: to guarantee registered professionals in the accomplishment of their professional activity, and to safeguard the right to receive a professional and qualified treatment by users and clients of the Social Services. The Tuscany region counts 2050 members operating in the field of Social Services. The Professional Order cooperates with the three public Universities in the Tuscany region (Florence, Pisa and Siena) in planning the objectives of the curricula of Bachelor and Master’s degrees in Social work.

Laura Bini
Scientific Committee
Laura Bini is the President of the Professional Order of Social Workers (Tuscany Region). She is a member of the Professional Register of Instructors of the “Social Workers National Council”. She is also a Social Workers’ supervisor. She holds a PHD in Sociology of Communications and she teaches “Social Work techniques” and “Biographical Approach in Social Work” at the University of Florence. During her career as Social Worker in the Municipality of Florence, she mostly focused on mental health issues, disability and drugs addiction.

Eltona Tila
Steering committee
Eltona Tila, Social Worker, graduated in English language at the University of Tirana in 2001. In 2005 she graduated in Social Work at the University of Florence. Her current professional experience in the Municipality of Florence mainly focuses on family social inclusion and adults marginality. Eltona is also actively involved in the cultural mediator services for unaccompanied minors in Florence. She is also a tutor of internship office at the University of Florence, Master’s Degree in Social Work.

Raffaella Nurchis
Development monitoring
Raffaella Nurchis is a Social Worker. Her specialization fields are: social services for disabled people, work reintegration for adults and child adoption. She teaches “Principles and Methods of Social Work” in the Bachelor Degree of Social Work, University of Florence, where she also coordinates the Internship Office.