Social Services in Albania: Background and State of the Art. A report from Tirana, Shkodër and Elbasan

Book Presentation (WP 4.2)

Tirana, March 5th 2020
@Europe House, Rruga Papa Gjon Pali II, Tirana, Albania

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About the book

The main addressees of the present volume are foreign observers – both academics and experts in Welfare State studies – who wish to receive an accurate picture of the Social Services’ delivery in Albania, on the main actors and resources of the Albanian social policies and on the challenges for the future developing of a Welfare model inspired by the European standards but respectful of the Albanian context.

The volume is divided into two parts. The first two chapters introduce the reader to the understanding of the Albanian current socio-demographic situation. The second part offers an unprecedented insight view on the organization of the Social Services in the areas of the capital city Tirana and in the districts of Shkoder and Elbasan.

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Pics Selection

Prof.dr. Skender Topi, Rector of University of Elbasan.

In the speech taken on this occasion, the Rector of the University of Elbasan, prof. dr. Skender Topi, said that this book is an asset in the field of social services and will serve them well, not only to professors and students but also to young researchers. Without discussion, it will be a great help for social workers as well. “The Rectorate of the University of Elbasan, the entire working group of the Department of Social Work and I personally, have supported and encouraged colleagues and departments involved from the beginning in this project,” said Rector Skender Topi. He also underlined that “thanks to the T @ SK project, today the students of the Department of Social Sciences have in use an IT laboratory and in function two very important platforms such as MOODLE and LMS”.

Prof.dr. Edmond Rapti, Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tirana.

On behalf of the University of Tirana, greeted prof. dr. Edmond Rapti who underlined in his speech the importance of this publication in the Albanian reality.

Mr. Olti Rrumbullaku, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth.

Mr. Rrumbullaku in his word for the occasion, emphasised the great collaboration of the Ministry with Higher Education Institutions in Albania and also congratulated the academic staff for this great initiatives.

Ms. Merita Xhafaj, General Director of Social Protection, Ministry of Health and Social Protection.

In the word, Ms. Xhafaj presented this book as a great scientific research that it is also going to assist the ministry, for the initiative focused on the “Social Worker’s Order.”